The Lean-Meater® Series 12 is a microprocessor controlled A-Mode ultrasonic instrument. It is designed to measure the total thickness of the skin and up to three layers of back fat. When the measurement is complete, the instrument will display the number of fat layers detected and the total thickness in millimeters with a greater accuracy than ever before.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Preg-Tone® Ultrasonic Detection
A fast, safe and accurate ultrasonic pregnancy detector for swine, sheep, alpacas, meat & dairy goats, pygmy goats, llamas, large rabbits, foxes, and numerous other mammals over 8 lbs.
Preg-Tone® Ultrasonic Detection – PDF Brochure
[ezcol_1half]PREG-TONE II Plus®
Designed Specifically for Swine Detect Pregnancy Quickly….Accurately…Efficiently!!!
With OUT Earphone
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]PREG-TONE II Plus®
Designed Specifically for Swine Detect Pregnancy Quickly….Accurately…Efficiently!!!
With Earphone
[ezcol_1half]Sono-Grader® Model 2
This is no longer available
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Preg-Alert Pro®
Determine Pregnancy and Backfat and Loin Thickness the Easy Way
Provides an analog type display in a digital environment. The digitally enhanced analog display provides a clean, easy to read presentation that can be held on the screen for as long as the user desires.Display provides specific information as to the location of the echoes of interest. For thickness measurements, distance is also given numerically.
Microprocessor-based design provides wide flexibility in operating features. Combines many features in an easy to use instrument.
options to add
Holder: $49.00
Deep Probe: $400.00
[ezcol_1half]Additional Options
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]*[/ezcol_1half_end]